Featuring Open Season Awards winners Dominique Bernier-Cormier (poetry), Jody Chan (fiction), and Aldyn Chwelos (cnf).
Cover art by Ibrahim Abusitta.
Poetry by Nicole Boyce, Weyman Chan, Laurie D. Graham, Iqra Khan, S. A. Leger, Shane Neilson, Teresa Ott, Meredith Quartermain, Meghan Reyda-Molnar, Tazi Rodrigues, Anya Smith, and Misha Solomon.
Fiction by Corinna Chong, Dylan Clark, and Bill Gaston.
Creative nonfiction by Daniel Allen Cox.
Reviews of books by Nicholas Dawson (translated by D. M. Bradford), Patrick James Errington, M. A. C. Farrant, Nasser Hussain, Maureen Hynes, Frances Peck, Sandra Ridley, Chava Rosenfarb (translated by Goldie Morgentaler), Joshua Whitehead, and an anthology edited by Yvonne Blomer and DC Reid.