Malahat Review 142 (Spring 2003) Print Edition


Print edition of Malahat Review Issue 142 (Spring 2003)

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This issue opens with James Marshall’s “Let’s Not Let a Little Thing Like the End of the World Come Between Us,” a post-9/11 story that perfectly encapsulates the strangeness of the War on Terror, Jihad, anthrax, and martyrdom within the territory of a teenage boy-girl relationship. Self-image doubts and adolescent insecurities are mines planted in the field of sex and romance.

In Kathleen Winter’s story, “A True Conductor,” a choir member’s whole being is altered by her conductor’s unique approach to music, and even his abrupt departure cannot quell the feelings he’s unleashed.

There hasn’t been a Malahat published yet that doesn’t contain poems to take your breath away and here is no exception. The as-yet-to-become Canadian Poet Laureate John Steffler contributes seven poems, sensory-rich responses to landscapes in Newfoundland and Greece. Further poems, including those by Sue Sinclair, Patrick Warner, Emily McGiffin, David O’Meara, Rachel Rose, Patricia Young, and current Malahat fiction-board member Iain Higgins, round out this excellent issue.

—Rhonda Batchelor